SAM2 - September done!
Work has been crazy-busy these last few weeks, but I did manage to finish my SAM2 socks for September.
The yarn is Regia Stretch Color, No. 85. I'm really like these colours, and Im' quite happy with the way they knit up. No blotches, streaks, pooling or zig-zagging, just nice little blips of blue & grey & brown & green.
I did find that the yarn wasn't as soft as other Regia I've used in the past. I'm not sure if that's because of the "stretch" component of the yarn, or because I've been using so many wonderful "non-commercial" yarns lately that the regular stuff feels harsh. I'm hoping the former, because I have a ton of Regia patiently waiting its turn on the needles.
These socks have the wide-Stahl-vertical toe that I've posted about before ...
... and a Sherman short-row heel, with Vikkel braid applied as I short-rowed back out again. Instructions for Vikkel braid are in most of Nancy Bush's books. I really like the look of this.
My swatches with Vikkel braid showed it to be fairly stretchy, but in these socks, not so much. I don't know if that's a factor of the technique or the way I was holding the yarn. The socks don't feel tight, but the stitches look a little stretched across my stupidly high instep. I'm thinking a bit of extra gusset shaping may be necessary in future endeavours. More experimentation is required. :-)
In the Other News Department, progress continues on the scarf for the International Scarf Exchange.I'm a little over half-way done. The Cashmerino is indeed lovely to knit with, and I think I'll miss this project when it's finished.
My package for the Chocolate Swap is just about ready to go, and the same for the Tea Swap. I guess that means it's time to join a few other activities.
Socktoberfest? How could I not?
There is also Tweeding Along ...
... and the Fall Cable KAL 2006.
These are celebrations of tweed and cables, both non-project specific, with no dead-line time wise -- my kind of knit-a-longs!
There is also the Heere Be Dragone KAL on Yahoo groups. Yup, I'm there too. I think I'll need all the support I can get for that one ....... after I finish the Butterfly, which I haven't touched in way. too. long.
42 people had something to say:
The socks are fabby. I like the the look of the "braid" on the heel. Your a very clever chap.
P.S Did you notice that you are rapidly becoming a swap and kal hoe.....hehehe
No need to reply:D
I love the socks and wish I could have been your Scarf pal. Lucky person. Have you tried the new Regia silk? Lovely. And, I can't wait to see your Here Be Dragons. I am so impressed.
Your socks turned out great!
The Regia socks look great. Nice detailing. I've noticed that sometimes the harsher feeling yarns last longer than the softer ones.
PS. I don't think your high instep is stupid. My husband has them too. :-)
Love the socks, Dave. I've worked that yarn on Jaywalkers - holding up well so far. Also, the stretch factor makes the Jays a little more clingy.
And I really love the details.
I hit KAL-Mania this week too. I have overextended myself. Again.
Love those socks, and I am convinced to try the Vikkel braid, even if you say they aren't stretchy.
The socks are wonderful! I'm sorry to hear that the yarn doesn't feel as nice as you'd like, since the colors really are great. Maybe they'll soften up after a wash? (If so, let us know -- I'm always looking for variegated sock yarns that don't pool in plain stockinette.)
The heel is also very cool -- I'm going to go look for that technique.
The scarf is looking fab. I showed my ISE scarf at knitting this morning and folks thought I should keep it for myself *lol* yeah right, haven't really got time to knit a second one and mail it out before it's due. Nutters :)
Regia variegated: what can I say? FABULOUS! I must try that toe. BTW: They'll soften with washing. The scarf is looking great - cables are beautiful things. x
thanks for the tweedalong link - i might just join that
you always have the nicest colours in sock yarn! Love that braid, I might have to try that!
Thanks for joining Tweeding Along, can't wait to get the needles going.
Nice socks! And your scarf exchange pal is SOOOOOOOOOOO LUCKY!!!!!
you are just King KAL!
about your high instep—did you ever try just increasing the stitch number before you start the heel? like add 4 sts a couple of rows before you do the heel, and then take them out later, about halfway down the foot?
i have a high arch but a NARROW heel and i play around with stitch numbers in that area to get a good fit.
I really like that heel! I'll definitely have to try that sometime.
I'm afraid I have to agree with abigail... ahem... But I cant say anything about it. Coz I keep following you all over the place. And I'm looking at the tweed knitalong going hmmmmmm.... darn it!
LOVE the socks! And um...really now...thanks so much for the new KAL. Like I don't have enough to do! Thank goodness there's no pressure! Just bought the tweed yarn and will be tweedling along, too! (It was just the excuse I needed...I've had my eye on some Rowan for a bit...)
The socks look great!
The socks are wonderful. I will have to try that braid. So much nice than the diagonal holes I tend to leave with my heel gussets. The recipient of your scarf is very fortunate. I want to wrap myself in it. Stylish and soft!
I really like the heels of your socks. The braid looks really cool in that multi colored yarn.
By the way, thanks for posting about the cable KAL I think I will have to check into that one. Cables and fall/winter weather just go togeather like hot cocoa and marshmallows!
Love the vikkel braid on the heels, Dave! You are thisclose to convincing me to abandon flap and gusset and branch out into short rows...
Great socks and scarf! I too have a high instep and get some stretching there. On my next pair I'll play with some shaping. I did on one pair, a while back, but I'm bad about keeping notes so I had a hard time on the second sock making it match the first! Lesson learned :-)
I am a fan of the Sherman Heel but I love those detailed stitches!!! Your socks look gorgeous!
"Vikkel braid" huh? I love the look of that, and it looks to conceal any possible holes that may result from the short rows. I will most certainly have to try that on my next short row heel. Thanks for making me aware! I have the Nancy Bush books but haven't taken the time to truly delve into them.
Your socks look great! That's the best looking short row heel I've ever seen.
Thanks for the info about the new KAL's I just joined the Fall Cable KAL and the Tweed KAL. They are both things I'll be knitting anyway.
Your socks and scarf look terrific. I'm going to have to look up that short row heel. It looks so much neater than what I usually end up with!
Dave am having trouble getting the button on tweeding along to load. Did you?
The socks look amazing! It seems like everyone is doing socks right now, and I'm still working on my dull dull dull afghan. I've told myself I can't start any new projects until this one is done. Then, something small and quick like socks will be just the ticket.
I'm with tutlegirl. The braid would be a great way to cover the holes in short row heels! I guess I just need your blog to find all of the KALs and swaps. :-)
great socks. lately I like the simple stockinet for more wear out of socks.
the scarf looks like a dream! I am using alpaca, and only 2700 stitches to go (5 rows at 450 per row) but I'll be sorry to see it end. I already have anther alpaca on the needles. I just LOVE the feel of it.
more KAL? you always get me in KAL trouble!
tweed, I just needed this tiny bit encouragment to get Rowan's Scottish Tweed......
The socks look fab; I'll have to try that toe sometime, and the Vikkel braid looks cool too. :)
I love the colors in your socks! And the braid on the heel looks fab :o)
Gorgeous socks! Love the Vikkel braid.
Those socks looks fabulous and flawless. That braid looks very nice, I'll have to try that out.
Your ISE scarf looks so soft & comfy! You know, on top of pretty and gorgeous.
Great socks - I love varigated yarn that really knits up as varigated! I'm so behind on my SAM2 socks - I am designing my own and it took longer than expected...sigh...
Thanks for the KAL links! Lots of fall/winter cabely tweedy goodness!
Ooooo, very nice socks, Dave! The toes are spiffy, and the Vikkel braid is very sharp-looking. I chickened out when I came to my s-r heels and just did my plain ones. I'll have to get your instructions out for my next pair.
Dave, your socks look great. The braid on the heels?! That is just awesome. I hope it doesn't seem like a sexist thing to say, but the touches you add to your knitting--that is why I wish more men would knit.
I forgot to say, my husband has very high insteps too--It took me a little while to come up with a design that fits him. I add an abbreviated flap in stockinette stitch above a short row heel, and make a small gusset after the short row heel is done--it fits him very well. I think some refer to this as a hybrid heel?
Your socks are beatiful!! I like that braided detail on your heels, too! Cool!!
Ok I really like the colorway in these socks!! Great for a guy or girl and something the ds would wear! Fantastic!
i <3 the colorway on those sox!!! Ab FAB!!! :-)
those socks are simple yet so gorgeous. i really want to learn how to knit socks!!!
Your red, blues varigated socks are absolutely beautiful. I love the pattern! What pattern did you use? It reminds me of the baby burp cloth from the Mason -Dixon book. You are a very accomplished knitter!
Happy knitting :)
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