Monday, October 08, 2007

Ridges and Ribs

That Mama-E ... she's always up to something. A while ago, she approached me about creating a colourway that was guy friendly. Hmm. Guy, or guy knitter? I went with guy knitter. :-)

I told her I really liked the Northern Lights colours in this picture. She took it from there, and created this yarn.

Of course, that wasn't the end of the deal. My end of the bargain was that I then had to come up with a new sock pattern.


At the time I was thinking about this, there was a lot of discussion on various blogs about patterns that would avoid pooling and striping. I don't think this yarn would have done that, given the way it was dyed, but I wanted to come up with something that might help with other yarns that would pool. I ended up using an elongated slip stitch, which should be enough to pull any yarn out of the pool, and twisting it to create a bit of a ridge for added texture.

Of course I had to use my favourite heel -- the Eye of the Partridge -- but I decided to carry one ridge down each side of the flap. I don't normally do that, but it was fun and gives it a bit of a different look.

Ridges and Ribs Socks

Fingering weight yarn and needles to give 9 stitches/inch
Sized to fit a man's Small or woman's Medium

(All stitches are slipped purl-wise unless otherwise noted, but always with yarn on wrong side.)

Cast on 72 stitches, join, (24-24-24) not twisting, etc.

Set up round (work once) * K3, P2, K1, P2 * repeat around

Commence pattern, 8-stitch/4-round repeat.

R1: * K3, P2, K1 wrapping stitch twice, P2 *

R2: * K3, P2, slip 1 knit-wise dropping extra wrap, P2 *

R3: * K3, P2, slip 1 knit-wise, P2 *

R4: Same as R3

Repeat the four pattern rows a total of 22 times, approx 7 inches (or to desired cuff length, ending with R4)

Divide for heel flap: K1 from needle 1 onto needle 3. (Instep begins and ends with 2 K stitches) Bring yarn to front, slip 1, bring yarn back, return stitch. The first instep stitch is wrapped. Turn and set up heel flap (Centre portion is EOP, with ridges on each side):

P1, K2, P1 wrapping stitch twice, K2, P17, P2tog, P8, K2, P1 wrapping twice, K2, P1 (38 stitches.)

Bring yarn to back, slip 1, yarn front, return stitch (instep stitch wrapped.) Turn, RS facing.

Heel flap (repeat the following 4 rows 9 times – 36 rows total):

R1: Sl 1, P2, slip 1 knit-wise dropping extra wrap, P2, (slip 1, K1) 13 times, P2, slip 1 knit-wise dropping extra wrap, P2, K1.

R2: Sl 1, K2, slip one purl-wise, K2, P26, K2, slip one purl-wise, K2, P1.

R3: Sl 1, P2, slip 1 knit-wise, return stitch to left needle and slip it knit-wise again, P2, (K1, slip 1) 13 times, P2, slip 1 knit-wise, return stitch to left needle and slip it knit-wise again, P2, K1.

R4: Sl 1, K2, P1 wrapping stitch twice, K2, P26, K2, P1 wrapping twice, K2, P1.

NB: On last repeat, wrap the purl stitch only once, NOT TWICE.

Turn heel (Round heel):

Sl 1, K20, SSK, K1, turn.
Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn.
Sl 1, K6, SSK, K1, turn.
Sl 1, P7, P2tog, P1, turn.

Continue working one more stitch before decreasing across gap until all stitches are worked – 22 stitches remain.

Sl 1, K across.

Pick up one stitch in each slipped stitch along heel flap (18 stitches).

Using a fresh needle, work across instep, picking up the wrap on the two outermost stitches and working ridges and ribs as set, starting with R1 of pattern.

Using another needle, pick up one stitch in each slipped stitch along heel flap (19 stitches) Yes, one extra on the second side of the flap. K 11 to middle of heel/beginning of round.

Knit to the last three stitches on needle one, K2tog, K1. On the instep needle, knit in pattern. On needle three, K 1, SSK, knit to end. Alternate knitting plain rounds and decrease rounds until you are back at 72 stitches.

Knit foot until approximiately 2 inches short of desired length, ending on row 4. Discontinue instep pattern and commence toe decreases. Distribute stitches 18-36-18.

Decrease Rnd: Needle 1, knit to last three stitches, K2tog, K1. Needle 2, K1, SSK, knit to last three stitches, K2tog, K1. Needle 3, K1, SSK, knit to end.

Knit three rounds plain.

*Knit one decrease round, knit two rounds plain * Repeat between asterisks two times.

*Knit one decrease round, knit one round plain* Repeat between asterisks three times.

Knit only decrease rounds until 16 stitches remain. Graft toe and make second sock.

88 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Nice job on helping with the colors. I think my husband would like that yarn a lot. I also think he'd go for the stitch pattern too. It's definitely manly.


I love the socks you did a fantastic job on them, as always, the color inspiration was beautiful.

Kate said...

What a beautiful and well thought out pattern! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us! I definitely have some yarn that I am unsure what to do with, I think this is just the thing!

Thanks again! :)

Trillian42 said...

Great socks! I can't wait to show them to my husband - he'll love them!

Kristy said...

That's a clever idea to wrap the stitch twice to allow for an extra-long slip stitch. Nice pattern!

Anonymous said...

I love that painting too. I think Mama-E has done a great job interpreting the colours and your sock pattern is very clever. It goes on the must-knit list. Thanks!

fleegle said...

Both the yarn and the socks are spectacular, Dave. Would that I could find the energy to knit a non-stockinette pair. I just like the monotony of stockinette. Gotta get out of the rut.

ps: I have 1/2 a side of border left to do.

Carrie said...

I love it--the pattern, the colors, everything. The colors seem much man-lier in sock form than in the skein--the grey really mutes the bright colors in sock form, in the best possible way.

lexa said...

Lovely socks! Great color, and I really like your pattern. Thanks so much for posting it -- can't wait to try it. :)

Anonymous said...

Dave! I love this sock! Thanks so much for the pattern! What a clever idea to use a slip stitch to break up the pooling. I like the way the slip stitch is carried into the heel, too!
I have some hand dyed sock yarn that will be perfect to use for this pattern.


dickie said...

such beautiful colors!

Anonymous said...

Love this pattern! Maybe I'll use it with the Dugly-Uck yarn. :-)

Suna Kendall said...

Thank you so much for the pattern--I really like slip stitches to break up pooling, and the ribbing will help, too. I also meant to post last week that I love the BWO concept. Thanks again.

Charity said...

Great socks, Dave! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

Matt....... said...

Those are really nice dave.....especially the ridge down the heel flap.

Unknown said...

Wow! Those are great! The yarn and pattern are perfect. Thanks for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

the sock pattern and colorway are gorgeous! don't you just love slipped stitches in variegated yarn?!

Shannan said...

That's a great color. And your pattern looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!!

Emily said...

Those are great socks. I like the pattern and the colors. The slipped stitches carried down into the heel look fantastic!

Micki said...

Excellent pattern--thanks for sharing!

Chrissy said...

Beautiful socks!!

The Gadabout Knitter said...

Ooh! I love the colorway and the socks! I definitely think that my husband would also very much appreciate your guy-friendly socks.

Debi said...

Handsome colorway and handsome new pattern! Thx for sharing it!

CynCyn said...

oh so pretty! can't wait to try the pattern.

Angelika said...

Well done, Dave. That's a nice pattern. Look at you as a designer and all. Now how about that Chrysopolis stole?

Anonymous said...

they are beautiful!!! Nice job friend!

Anonymous said...

Wow !

(Adding this pattern to the list...)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a really damn impressive color interpretation of the Northern Lights. Beautiful socks, too. I'm highly in favor of more sock patterns that help battle unsightly pooling.

Jennifer said...

Beautiful yarn! Thank you for the pattern too!

Jody said...

Isn't E the greatest!

I love your new sock pattern :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colorway, socks and pattern! Thank you!

AllyB said...

Thank you for the pattern. These are fabulous looking socks.

Valerie Polichar said...

Wow, great timing -- just what I need for Kraftie's 9 spi handspun!

Anonymous said...

Spiffy socks! Nice work.

Romi said...

Those are some great socks! Thank you so much for the pattern!

bellamoden said...

These socks are gorgeous! What a great pattern and yarn combination. I'm seriously impressed.

Sarah said...

Wow. Those really are gorgeous. The yarn, colors and the pattern- all really great! I really like the ridge on the heel flap detail, well done!!

Stacey said...

what a great pattern and color combo! no pooling or anything!!!!

Jason said...

Dig the yarn and the pattern. I think these are definitely going in my queue.

Nana Sadie said...

Gorgeous! And I love the idea for limiting the dreaded "POOLING" problem!
Great going, Dave!

chemgrrl said...

Very nice. Sigh--another one for the to-knit list.

earthchick said...

WOW. I really love the colors of the yarn and the socks are gorgeous! What a great job you did with creating the pattern. Wow, I am just so impressed.


earthchick said...

p.s. Just added this pattern to my Ravelry queue. LOVE it!!!

Macoco said...

Those are really great socks, I definitely like how the ridge goes down the side of the heel.

Chelsea said...

Wow, Dave! These are so beautiful! I love the yarn (and colorway), but your pattern is just gorgeous! :) Yes, I will be adding that to my queue. In fact, I think that I know what I want to use to cast on a pair next week...

gail said...

Gorgeous yarn and gorgeous socks! thanks for the free pattern. Your pattern is lovely, and thoughtful!

Jen said...

hey, that's fantastic! I really like how your pattern breaks up the pooling yet isn't so busy as to get lost in the variegation of the yarn. Thanks for the tip.

Opal said...

Wow! I really love the heel detail.

Anonymous said...

Perfect marriage of yarn and pattern. Well done Mr D!

Anonymous said...

Great pattern! I love the colours myself... hmmmm... mama E you say.

Meanwhile, I think I know what my friend Africa can expect for the next pair of socks.

Pat said...

Well - I am late to the Ridges and Ribs party!
A beautiful pattern, Dave - I have so many yarns that would be perfect for it - which one to use???

Georgie said...

Great pattern, thanks for sharing. Its now on my list for the Southern Summer of Socks!

Bells said...

I really want to add these to my southern summer of socks list. Very much so. Good, blokey socks! Always hard to find. Well done!

Teyani said...

simply smashing!

Unknown said...

These are going on my list, and I'm sending the link to my guy-knitter friend, too! -- they're perfect!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, those are beauteous!!! I love the colors, I love the sock pattern...they're now on my to do list!! :)

jennsquared said...

Wow! Those are great socks! I'll have to make those! Thanks for sharing!

Soo said...

Ooooh - loving that pattern. Definitely one to add to the Christmas knitting list....

Anonymous said...

I really like the pattern you came up with, Dave. I think it will be very useful in fighting the evil that is pooling in hand-dyed yarn. But I think your "sample" pair is especially nice and smart!

mle said...

That's a gorgeous sock pattern! I'm always looking for patterns that combat pooling. Very nice!

Monika said...

I've been wanting to leave a message for days now, but every time I clicked on your website my computer froze. But I didn't give up! ;o)
Wanted to say that I like the colorway, and think that you made a nice and manly sock pattern!

Theresa said...

Great pattern! I am going to give it a try w/ some handpainted yarns.

Skein Queen said...

Liking your pattern - very clever.

Terri said...

Fantastic! They look wonderful. I've always admired your knitting, but my admiration has grown with this pattern. Well done.

Carol said...

Great yarn, great socks! I aspire to someday be able to know if a yarn will pool or not. Genius! And just when I was thinking my sidebar may be a little too long, I glanced at yours. makes mine look empty ;) I think I'll leave it :)

Rach said...

I'm knitting my first ever not-in-8-ply socks!!!! Just as well or I'd have balked at 75 stitches for one sock - why that's more than the soakers I knit for my baby!!!!
Anyway, I'm loving the authenticity of knitting on little needles with fine wool, so your pattern will be the next I try I think!
Thanks for sharing the pattern.

BEESTLYproducts said...

that yarn is fan-friggen-tastic!!!!! i'm adding your sox to my queue immediately, buddy.

Unknown said...

Great socks. Thanks for sharing the pattern. Added it to my queue.

Sayward said...

Nice work Dave!

Stephanie said...

wowee! what a fun looking pattern :) Thanks so much for designing it and sharing :D Will be queing it for sure :D

Lynn said...

That is some gorgeous yarn!! And I LOVE that new pattern! I have saved the link!!

Lacefreak said...

Wonderful pattern! The socks look terrific.

Eric & Tony said...

Awesome inspiration. Created a great colorway. Nice pattern too!

sgeddes said...

I'm oging to give a huge me too! I love the pattern. The yarn colors are great too. but I'm going to have to try that pattern out wwhe I finish the pair I've currently got on the needles.

The Gadabout Knitter said...

Question. For row 1 "R1: * K3, P2, K1 wrapping stitch twice, P2 *"

What do you mean by wrapping st twice? Do you knit first then wrap?

Dave said...

I mean, "Insert right-hand needle into stitch; wrap yarn around needle twice; draw both loops through stitch as if it were one loop." On the next round, the extra loop is dropped when you slip the stitch as if to knit.

monica said...

Love the colors and the stitch : )

Jenn said...

Stumbled over here via 1870 pearl. These are great! I need to knit many socks for the men I know, and love this pattern! Thanks!

Marjorie said...

Those are great patterns for hand-dyed yarn and lovely sock designs. I have not been "thinking outside the box" (as work colleagues are fond of remarking) when it comes to working with variegated yarn, and I have gotten pooling and striping that I don't much like. I was going to try some modular designs for the first time, but the elongated stitch patterns would also show the yarn at its best. Thanks for showing them.

Anonymous said...

Great new pattern! It compliments the colors of the yarn nicely, and I love the detailing you added to the heel. Nice work!

Marlene said...

Those look great! Sure wish I enjoyed knitting socks as much as I like wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic colors and I love the pattern! The slipped stitches really create a great effect.

Tara said...

Very very cool.

Seanna Lea said...

That is one snazzy pair of socks. I love how the pattern mutes the brightness of that very vivid green.

Amy said...

What beautiful, beautiful socks! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern with us.

Anonymous said...

I got here via Norma's blog. Glad I did! That's a great sock pattern.

Anonymous said...

Nice colorway and I like the socks. I will put this pattern on my to do list. Do you belong to Raverly ( Your design effort is appreciated. Take care, Joanne

Rebecca said...

Very nice, Dave! The Eye of Partridge Heel is my favorite, too. Love those 'northern lights'.