Sunday, February 05, 2006

c'est moi

So, what do you need to know about me? Ummm, nothing really, I guess. So you can skip right over this, if you're so inclined. But if you're the nosey type, read on ...

So, I'm a male, and I am a knitter. There, I said it. Sometimes I knit lots, and sometimes I don't knit at all. But still, I am a knitter. And as a knitter, I tend to get, ummm, sidetracked. Yeah, that's it - sidetracked. It's not that I can't focus, and it's not that I don't like having finished things. Because I do. It's just that I get, ummm, sidetracked.

So, in an effort to stay on course, I've decided to joing up with a few knit-alongs, aka KALs. You know, those lemming-ish groups of needle-packing grannies who all clamour to knit the same, stupid thing. Yup, I've become one of them.

So, this blog ... I'm getting there, relax .... is an effort to keep on track with those things. See, if I have to publish a progress report ... PROGRESS report ... then that will mean I will have had to made some progress. Right? And if I have to put in a picture of that progress, well, that means that I can't really lie, or cheat, or stretch the truth. I will have had to make PROGRESS.


So, so far I have joined, or tried or join, or will be joining, two KALs: the FLAK and the SMAK. When I have more time, I will try to figure out how to edit those links over there ---->. But for now, I have to go knit and make some .... PROGRESS.

c'est moi Posted by Picasa

8 people had something to say:

Dave said...

What a boring blog ....

Bitterknitter said...

Oh, it will get better, I'm sure! Welcome to the Sock a Month Knitalong!

Laura said...

Hey Dave! Saw your link over at Chrissy's -- the sock a month KAL and thought I'd say hi. Nice of you to join the grannies. ;) Looking forward to seeing those socks!

Anonymous said...

Hello: I just want to say that I'm a knitter too and I have the same problem. Sometimes I knit a lot, sometimes I don't touch it for months. Un saludo.

Lauren said...

Well you have to start somewhere, right?!

Anonymous said...

Knitting grannies, eh? My daughter is 16 and I damned well better not be a 'granny' yet or she and I will be having a talk. ;o)

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Welcome to blogland and the sock a month knit along at Knittin' Mom's blog(where I saw your link).

Debbi said...

So cool to have you FLAK-king, Dave! And very cool to finally see what you look like.