Saturday, February 11, 2006

Two steps back

Haven't started my FLAK saddles. This afternoon I wind the balls and get going.

Pfft. I had one of my February socks all the way down to the heel flap and realized that I had made a MAJOR mistake. Plus it looked like crap anyway. Fooey. RIP. I'm back to square one and it now looks like this:

I've thought about it, and I'm going to re-engineer what I was doing previously I'm hoping it works this time, because hey, I don't like the idea of knitting one sock four times :-).

In other news, I went to my favourite tea store yesterday and got some Cherry Rose and Yellow Mountain green tea ... yummy. In the mall just outside the tea store was a table set up by some ladies who had done some craft work and were selling their wares in support of a local charity. Commendable, eh? I couldn't help myself. I took a look. Some mini-quilts, a bit of crochet, and lots of knitting. Slippers, socks, mitts, scarves, etc. The prices were ridiculous. I hate to see hard work so undervalued. They had Stupid Puffy Slippers out of Ph*nt*x for $13, and wool socks for $14. Yes, wool socks for $14. So I had to buy some. For $27, I got this:

I feel like a criminal. Sort of. But my feet are toasty.

2 people had something to say:

Dave said...

Yes, you should feel guilty. You know that you can't buy the yarn for the socks for what you paid for them. Yikes.

lexa said...

I went to a car show one time that had a flea market set up as well. There was a table with a couple of elderly ladies at it selling a bunch of stuff, including child's mittens out of leftover bits of yarn. They were selling them for $1/pair! I bought three pairs and gave them something like $5 instead of the $3. I made three pairs of those slippers (though striped not checked) for Christmas gifts. It was the first time I've knit them. I did use Phentex Dynasty (gasp!), not that hateful slipper yarn. For the length of time they took to knit you got a steal! Those are very nice socks as well.