SAM3 - February - done!
Not much knitting got done this past month, but I did manage to turn this ---- into these:
The yarn is Lorna's Laces in the signature Quadra Island colourway from the Fun Knits Yarn Shop. It's a great mix of blue, sage, purple and charcoal, and the yarn feels wonderful, just as you'd expect from Lorna's.
It's a standard 72-stitch sock, with 2x2 ribbing at the cuff, 6x2 for the leg, and I carried a few of the ribs down the instep, just because I wanted to. I like how the 6x2 ribbbing helps to break up the slight stripey-ness that happened on the foot.
Fun Knits also carries the Smoke line of Opal, which I hadn't seen before. It has some great "guy" colours -- I might have succumbed to a skein or seven.
Even though I haven't been doing much actual knitting, I have been doing a bit of reading about knitting. I haven't yet seen the new IK sock book , but Canada did finally get Balls.
I've been waiting for this one for a while, and I was quite happy to finally find it. There's some very nifty stuff in there, including some socks! Some of it is a bit too fashion-forward for my staid little self, but the vest and the Aran immediately caught my eye as being very nice. There's also quite a bit of good technical stuff in it as well, so it's a welcome addition to my library.
I also picked up this:
I was fully prepared to *not* like this book based simply on the title, but it actuallly has some nice stuff in it. No, I'm not getting a dog, so I can't use half of the patterns, but most of the sweaters are quite wearable. I was particularly impressed with the range of sizes -- some of the patterns go from a 32 inch chest all way up to 60 inches. For those of us who aren't built like linebackers, this is Good News.
In the Other News Department, the International Scarf Exchange 4 is now taking sign-ups -- woo-hoo!!
I am now going to turn on the television and try to ignore the fact that many of you will be revelling at Stitches West.