(Edited to replace totally crappy pictures with somewhat better but still semi-crappy pictures ... rain, rain, go away!)
My socks for the May Sock-a-month are done: 
These are the Denmark socks from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road, done in Novita 7 Veljesta Broder, colour 7173. They are actually a nice, warm, heathered brown, but for some reason they are insisting that, photographically speaking, they are grey. I won't argue, because I am tired of arguing with them. I like them now that they're done, but I didn't enjoy knitting them.

Cabling on socks really slows you down, and it's hard to get a nice, smooth rhythm going. But the end result, in my opinion, is very handsome. I changed the heel flap to Eye of Partridge, and modified them a bit to fit my feet, but other than that they are as written.
Would you like fries or mashed with your ribs? Neither, please -- I'd rather have nupps.
A nice little detail at the top of the ribbing. But see? Grey again.
On another topic, whenever I've used Koigu before, I've always used a different yarn for the ribbing, heel and toe. So I wondered: Can I get a full sock from one skein?
Yes, I can :-) Despite about ten years of sock knitting, these are my first ever toe-ups. These are Koigu PPPM P123. I think they look very happy.
I used the easy and wonderful Magic cast-on from the recent Knitty, further refined to be knot-less by this post by the author, Judy Becker, on her blog. In the Knitty article, under the section on double points, it says, "Work step #9 by knitting ½ of the stitches using one needle and the remaining ½ of the stitches using a second needle." I found it much easier to just work them all onto one needle and then separate them by slipping half of them to the second.
I'm not yet sold on the whole toe-up routine. I don't buy the "cast on enough stitches till they fit" and "easy to try on" drill. You can't tell if they fit when they've got a bunch of needles in them. A toe is, however, an easy and potentially useful gauge swatch. I was paranoid that I'd get the heel on the wrong side, and it just felt weird to see the ribbing grow out of the leg instead of vice versa. I'll do number two and see how I feel then.
June? Yes, June is coming.

These will be finished in June.