That tunnel has a light at the end.
You know how sometimes you just feel so busy that you get overwhelmed and instead of getting everything done you get nothing done? Yeah, that was September.
In lieu of any actual knitting content, and in an effort to avoid anyone having to ask, "Are you still alive", please allow me to merely point to several things that have caught my attention recently, the first being Blogging Without Obligation.

I like this. A lot. As in, I intend to follow it. If you like the philosophy behind eradicating "post pollution," feel free to share.
Next up: Fun with short rows!! Very cool. And then, more fun with short rows -- on socks!! I'm going to have to figure out how to adapt that into a sock that I can wear.
Next up: Knitters Tea Swap 4 is now open!

That's all for now. I may have an FO this weekend, but maybe not.
35 people had something to say:
I agree 100% with the philosophy, "never apologize for your writing." No apologies for too long between posts, no apologizing for a post that's too long, too short, or has too many pictures.
It is what it is, and if people like it, they can darn well unsubscribe!
Those socks are really neat. I love the genius things that can be done with sticks and string.
I like that button :)
I love this! "blogging without obligation" ....finally someone else read my mind out loud!
Thank you for the short row links, Dave! I'll have to try those someday.
Hooray for B.W.O. I'd totally use the philosophy.
BWO is an awesome philosophy. Thanks so much for sharing. I will definitely take this to heart.
LOVE the BWO. Really.
The short row socks are fascinating! I look forward to seeing how they turn out. :0)
I'm on board with BWO philosophy, though I must admit I was starting to wonder where you've been lately--only because we miss you when you're not here, my dear :)
I don't usually apologize for long time between posts, but I do have a way of trying to excuse why I have no knitting progress or FO's to show---so I guess I need K.W.O. as well!
Glad to hear there"s a light at th end of that tunnel! I do so enjoy your posts when you"ve got time for them. :)
I think the "what happened to September" thing happpened to a lot of people - me included!
BWO - what a great idea. :)
I'm jonesing to dive into those rainbow socks, too. I think I'm going to do them toe up, and maybe turn them into knee socks? Or just kind of tall socks. It'll be interesting to see how you deal with them, please share! If you get around to it. ;)
BWO. That's my kind of blogging.
Well, obligation or no, I missed your posts. So there! =P
Fun with Short Rows is an oxymoron. Like Fun with Root Canals.
ITA w/BWO. It's bad when you vanish off the face of the earth for eons w/o a post, but otoh, (oh how I love acronymns) where was the caveat that you must post X times in a month? Silly.
I'll cross my fingers for an FO for you this weekend! I doubt'll be me. ;(
I love BWO - and I love KnottyKitty's suggestion of KWO as well! For me a post just percolates to the surface and gets to that point where it 'wants' to get written. I appreciate other people's time away to let things happen. That's what bloglines is for - to let me know when someone has popped up out of the depths of everyday life to say something! But also I did miss you during your September hiatus!!
I like the idea of BWO! Thanks for passing it along.
September is like that ! -- it eats us alive. All over now, whew!
BWO... I like it! It's freeing.
BWO! brilliant. thank you!
and the socks are magnificent. have to try them soon.
I love the BWO and KWO concept too! I follow it pretty much now but if I haven't had an FO in awhile cause it's a big project I do feel those obligations tugging at me.
I can't wait to see your "manly" take on the short row socks!
Hey Dave~
GREAT to be back! I missed you!
I know~~I been busy for almost three no post at all..It is so hard to keep it up...
Anyway...Great weeken!
As you can see we are all still here!! We ain't going nowhere!! :oD
I so get and love the concept of BWO, but I am so addicted to bloggin' now!! :op Haha!
Good to know you haven't abandoned us! :op
I came across these socks last night, and thought they are neat. Only thing is, I don't like to purl in the round very much, even if it's just short rows.
BWO, KWO, both things to keep in our clue bags. Have a good weekend, knitting and blogging or not!
I'm always trying to balance the whole blogging thing - not simple! (actually maybe it IS simple and I'm just to worried about it)
Glad you're still around!
Good Blog philosophy.
It helps knowing that light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train :)
I like those Rainbow Socks. I'm torn between using that pattern or the Sidewinders for my Dugly-Ucks ... I think(?) an interesting pattern might help.
Sept was a bit like that for me too. And I have yet to master short rows.
You seem to be more 'with it' than I am. I'm still back in July wondering where the time went.
Those Rainbow socks are really interesting, I wonder how subtle the pattern would be with a variegated. Hmmm...
Still, you were terribly missed. And yes, I know that feeling very very well...
BWO is wonderful. Blogs should never be a chore - afterall, we began them for fun ;-)
Glad that life for you is busy-full, and hope that some parts of it are enjoyable too !
Thanks for the nod to shedding the guilt of not posting with clock-like regularity. I quit posting "filler" a while back.
Also, thanks for the short rows link. it will come in mighty handy.
I did swipe that button, Dave. I really feel guilty when I don't post and then my writing sucks. Thanks for sharing:)
Hope you are knitting. I want to hear about the German shawl group.
I like it! :)
Now off to join the tea swap!
Some bloggers worry about losing readers. If that is true and you spend an inordinate about of time thinking about your blog posts, then you might have a blog problem.
Notice, you still have loyal readers even after considerable time off. I always assume the blogger is busy doing not photo shooting and typing and am happy for them.
Heh. But if I stopped apologizing for how long it has been since I posted, I'd have even less to say. :)
The part I agree with the most on that site was the idea of "post pollution." That has decreased my blog-reading enjoyment more than I realized until I saw that phrase, I think.
I hope your October is more relaxed and more full of knitting that September was!
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