Monkeys, Dinosaurs & Kitty Cats
Lately I seem to be ripping more than I'm knitting, but I do have some news to share.
About Monkeys:
As in, sock monkeys, all over my wonderful new sock bag from Trek. If you haven't traded with her yet, do so -- you won't be disappointed. Thank you, Trek, it was a pleasure to deal with you, and I'm very pleased with my new sock bag.
About Dinosaurs:

Well, Dinosaur socks.

These were knit using The Sock Pattern to End All Sock Patterns, courtesy of Anne at KnitSpot. This is a great pattern that starts with your gauge and helps you build a sock that fits your foot. I love learning new sock stuff, and Anne's pattern has a new-to-me way to determine heel flap depth. They fit perfectly! Thank you so much, Anne, for the opportunity to knit your pattern.
The yarn is the Dinosaur colourway, sport weight, from Spunky Eclectic. I'm not much for wild, but there's something about Amy's wild colours that I absolutely love. She has a club where you can get some of her lovely yarn delivered to your house every month. I had to join.
You should too.
About Kitty Cats:
After having cats for 30 years , I have been cat-less since last Thanksgiving. I was sort of enjoying not having to deal with the litter box and smelly food and cat hair everywhere. However, when the local Humane Society put out a call for help because they were over-run with the new cat crop, I decided it was once again time to join the cat world. I checked out their web site and found a beautiful Lynx Point Siamese. Although I liked her, she didn't like me :-)
There was a young lady, though, who took a definite shining to me. The minute I picked her up, she held on tight and started purring and licking and generally being totally lovable and adorable. I had no choice. Meet my new cat, Tidget:
She's had a rough couple of months. When she came to the shelter in April, she had possible frost bite on her feet, a urinary tract infection, an eye infection, a dental problem and ... she was pregnant. She's since had her kittens, and her medical problems are resolved. She was obviously someone's pet who escaped and wasn't claimed. She is a lovely, sweet little cat who has fit right into my home and my heart.
Thank you.
Here is the obligatory cat/yarn photo:
18 people had something to say:
Hey, the yarn goes well with the sock bag!
Welcome little cat! I wish you both many many happy years of friendship!
What a sweet kitty! Looks like you have some sock knitting to do . . .
oh dave, she is pretty!
thank you for the wonderful feedback on my pattern—i blush, but am happy too
Beautiful cat! Even pose for photo shoots. :-) And, that's a lot of sock yarn!
Congratulations on Tidget - she's beautiful!
She is beautiful! Congratulations on both of you for finding each other.
Nice monkeys, cool sockage, awesome yarn and cute kitty! (LOVE the name!)
Lovely cat. :) The yarn is absolutley gorgeous!
She's beautiful! And the socks and yarn are great too.
awwww Hey Tidget, welcome to blogland :)
She's gorgeous and will make a great knitting companion :)
Love the sock bag and that is one massive HEAP of sock yarn!!! I love spunky!!
just came upon your blog and well I love all your socks! Hey what is that sock pattern to end all sock patterns and were is it located?? Tidget is oh so cute!!
Pretty kitty! I love her name, too. :)
She's beautiful! Isn't that great that you bonded instantly!
Congrats on your new kitty, she's adorable! It's it great when pet and owner just click together?
Beautiful yarns and great new bag. That dinosaur colorway is fantastic!
Tha bag is super cute and I love how the Dino socks came out. Absolutely gorgeous. And Tidget is so sweet. She has a gorgeous face.
Meezer sends fond kitty welcomes to Tidget. She's a lovely little thing and just the best sort - interested in her person more than the yarn! Welcome new kitty. They really do make our lives better in so many ways! YES - SPAY/NEUTER!!
Thanks for rescuing that sweet little cutie, and giving her a home and family. All cats need family so there's always someone to snub. Seriously, you let her get that close to your stash!?!
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